

Python Code: ANOVA Test

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed May 25 08:52:38 2016

@author: DH KIM


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

data = pd.read_csv('nesarc_pds.csv', low_memory=False)

#setting variables you will be working with to numeric
data['S1Q10A'] = pd.to_numeric(data['S1Q10A'], errors='coerce')
data['S3AQ3B1'] = pd.to_numeric(data['S3AQ3B1'], errors='coerce')
data['S3AQ3C1'] = pd.to_numeric(data['S3AQ3C1'], errors='coerce')
data['CHECK321'] = pd.to_numeric(data['CHECK321'], errors='coerce')
data['SEX'] = pd.to_numeric(data['SEX'], errors='coerce')

#subset data to those people who have income and have smoked in the past 12 months
sub=data[ (data['S1Q10B']!=0) & (data['CHECK321']==1)]

sub2 = sub[['SEX', 'S3AQ3B1', 'S3AQ3C1', 'S1Q10A']].copy()

sub2['S3AQ3B1']=sub2['S3AQ3B1'].replace(9, np.nan)
sub2['S3AQ3C1']=sub2['S3AQ3C1'].replace(99, np.nan)

recode1 = {1: 30, 2: 22, 3: 14, 4: 5, 5: 2.5, 6: 1}
sub2['USFREQMO']= sub2['S3AQ3B1'].map(recode1)

# mean value of personal income in last 12 month
avgIncome = sub2['S1Q10A'].mean()
LvIncome = [0, sub2['S1Q10A'].quantile(0.3), sub2['S1Q10A'].quantile(0.7), sub2['S1Q10A'].max()]

# Split into 3 groups: 'low', 'medium', 'high'
splitIntoCat = pd.cut(sub2.S1Q10A, LvIncome, labels=['low', 'medium', 'high'])
sub2['INCOMECAT'] = splitIntoCat

# num of ciga per month
sub2['NUMCIGMO_EST']=sub2['USFREQMO'] * sub2['S3AQ3C1']
sub1 = sub2[['NUMCIGMO_EST', 'INCOMECAT', 'SEX']].dropna()
sub1.SEX = sub1.SEX - 1 # 0: Male, 1: Female

# using ols function for calculating the F-statistic and associated p value
model = smf.ols(formula='NUMCIGMO_EST ~ C(INCOMECAT)', data=sub1).fit()
print (model.summary())

print ('means for smoking amount by personal income')

print ('standard deviations for smoking amount by personal income')

sns.factorplot(x="INCOMECAT", y="NUMCIGMO_EST", data=sub1, kind="bar", ci=None)
plt.xlabel('Income Level')
plt.ylabel('Smoking Amount')

# Moderator: SEX
print ('means for numcigmo_est by personal income according to SEX')

sub_m=sub1[ sub1.SEX == 0]
sub_f=sub1[ sub1.SEX == 1]

print ('Association between income level and smoking amount for Male')
model_m = smf.ols(formula='NUMCIGMO_EST ~ C(INCOMECAT)', data=sub_m).fit()
print (model_m.summary())

print ('Association between income level and smoking amount for Female')
model_f = smf.ols(formula='NUMCIGMO_EST ~ C(INCOMECAT)', data=sub_f).fit()
print (model_f.summary())

print ('Means for smoking amount by personal income for Male')
print (sub_m.groupby('INCOMECAT').mean())

print ('Means for smoking amount by personal income for Female')
print (sub_f.groupby('INCOMECAT').mean())

sns.factorplot(x="INCOMECAT", y="NUMCIGMO_EST", data=sub_m, kind="bar", ci=None)
plt.title('Smoking Amount according to income level for Male')
plt.xlabel('Income Level')
plt.ylabel('Smoking Amount')

sns.factorplot(x="INCOMECAT", y="NUMCIGMO_EST", data=sub_f, kind="bar", ci=None)
plt.title('Smoking Amount according to income level for Female')
plt.xlabel('Income Level')
plt.ylabel('Smoking Amount')

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